Fantastic Fractions: Comparing Fractions for Elementary Students

Deidra McGuire, Third Grade, JH Gunn Elementary School

 Curriculum Unit (pdf)


Mathematics curriculum and instruction is a core subject area within the elementary school classroom. This curriculum unit will serve as an additional mathematics resource to the elementary school classroom. Within the unit, students will explore fractions to create models, poetry, and a PowerPoint to demonstrate their comprehension of comparing fractions. In this unit students will think of how fractions can be applied to their own lives, draw and create fraction models to compare fractions, utilize number lines and fraction bar to determine the fraction order of smallest to greatest, and use a multiplication chart to find equivalent fractions. This unit explores fraction comparison through mentor texts. Through this unit, critical thinking, trial and error, and confusion will be used to help with the concept of comparing fractions. Learning through failure is a skill that isn’t used much in classrooms. Traditionally students think getting the answer right shows that learning is taken place. The unit includes lessons in comparing fractions where students will apply and develop fraction concepts into a PowerPoint. The lessons can be adapted to fit any classroom or learning style.  Throughout the lessons there will be suggestions on how to differentiate instruction based on students. There are opportunities for independent work, small group instruction, guided instruction, and independent work levels based on students in the classroom.