Teaching Mathematics through a Cultural Lens

Gwendalyn Iversen, Second Grade, Winding Springs ES

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


In this unit teachers will gain an understanding on why teaching with a multicultural lens will support them in closing the achievement gap within their classroom as well as having a classroom culture that supports tolerance and community. Teachers will be able to achieve this through class activities that focus on math and culture. Teachers will learn the importance of using multicultural education to engage and enrich their students learning. We need to dismantle stereotypes and embrace our student’s heritage, and socioeconomic status. There is a movement of using mathematics to teach culture called ethnomathmatics. These lessons will bring ethnomathmatics to your classroom. The lessons will complement the social studies curriculum within the mathematics classroom. Each section has a literacy component to support both mathematics and social studies A book list is provided for each major common core mathematics standard that can be used to enhance your instruction. Students will be able to make connections to the curriculum by at home projects and in class assignments. They will also learn about some mathematical history.