Man on the Moon: The Mis and Underrepresented Contributions of Black Women in Societal Structure and World History

Jasmine Dozier, Social Studies, Cochrane Collegiate Academy

Curriculum Unit (PDF)


In this curriculum unit, students of Sociology and World History will explore the underrepresented and misrepresented contributions of Black Women throughout history. This curriculum unit is intended for both 9th grade students and 11-12th grade students to use instruction to delve into the history of Black women. The North Carolina Essential Standards and Common Core will be used in this unit to increase reading comprehension, research, and writing skills. Students will be able to understand the complexities of Women of Color throughout history. There are many eras in history where Women of Color, specifically Black women have not been represented well or at all, although their contributions have shifted the dynamic of the outcome of said history. Students of World History will use different eras of time to understand, analyze, and define the contributions of Black Women. Therefore, in order to chunk/scaffold material; mini-lessons will take place. The use of mini-lessons will increase the conceptual knowledge of students, to be able to apply those concepts to the historical moments of Black women. This topic is chosen mainly for the purpose of relation to students and for students to be able to advocate for others, who may not be able to advocate for themselves. In Sociology, students will be able to use the concept of intersectionality and the social stratification of human beings as it relates to race, class, and gender; in order to understand the lack of mainstream attention to the population of Black women. This will also help students to further understand the complex relationship between Black women and society and in-group relationships as well. This unit is created to humanize Black women as a whole and explore the diversity that exists within. The final project for students is to assume responsibility for researching the contributions of Black women through streams of culture within and outside of the United States; including but not limited to innovations, activism, literary works, music/art, political platform, etc. It is important to note that this unit can be taught in whole or in part.