How to Build a Human Chapter 12: If I Only Had a Brain

Erika Williams, Science, Philip O. Berry Academy

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


This unit is designed to explore developmental biology, particularly brain development in the human. Arguably the human body’s most important organ, the brain sends and receives messages from all other parts of the body to keep the body functioning properly, and to address any problems that may develop. A study into how the human develops from a single fertilized egg to the beginnings of a nervous system in a manner of weeks can help students truly appreciate the many complicated and scientific phenomena that contributed to their current identity. Students will take traditional notes, research case studies in brain development, and write two papers, one on whether they agree or disagree that the incomplete brain development during adolescence leads to the erratic and unpredictable behavior of teenagers and another paper of a brain trauma, such as a disease or traumatic brain injury. Students will also view live development of vertebrate animals and dissect and a brain to better understand the complexity of the process. This unit will take 5-7 weeks to teach as a supplement to a class, or on a weekly basis for a yearlong course as a special topics class.