Fractions CAN Be Fun: Making Fractions Come Alive Through the Arts

Lucy Beaube, Math, Barringer Academic Center

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

200 Word Synopsis

This unit was designed to incorporate art and music in teaching fractions. The lessons presented were created for my class of highly gifted kindergarten and first graders, however the content presented satisfies some 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade math common core standards. Modifications may be made to meet the needs of individual students and grade levels. The learning experiences provided appeal to multiple learning styles and strive to eliminate the widespread fear of fractions.  I have provided learning experiences that will appeal to various learning styles. In conjunction with using the Singapore Math curriculum, this unit provides opportunities for my students to use what they have learned to create music and art in various ways. As they make connections to fractions with music, they will learn about reading and writing fractions, fractions as parts of a whole, math vocabulary related to fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, equivalence of fractions, ordering and comparing fractions, as well as mixed numbers and improper fractions. Overall, the learning activities planned through this unit were aimed to provide engaging experiences to develop a strong foundation in knowledge of fractions for my students to use as their math concepts grow in complexity.