Tim Chartier, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Davidson College and CTI Seminar Leader, and Kristianna Luce, Math Teacher at North Mecklenburg HS and CTI Fellow in “Math Through Popular Culture, explore how the popular video game, Angry Birds, can be used to teach core math concepts. A recent article about their experiences was published in the Huffington Post.
Author Archives: clas-web
Professor and Teacher are “Angry” about Math
More than Just the Basic Facts, Please
Living within our Budget… Economy in Life
The Progression of Accurately Solving a Multi-step Equation
Ticktacktoe as an Introduction for Problem Solving
Craig Willis, Elementary teacher, Torrence Creek Elementary School
Math, Logic and KenKen
The Positives and Negatives of Integers
Making Place Value Explicit in Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals
Teaching the Concept of One as it Applies to Percents
Backwards Numbers: A Study of Place Value
Catherine Perez, Elementary teacher, Torrence Creek Elementary School
Kenken and the Problem Solving Classroom
The Journey to Discover Right Triangles and Trigonometry in the Real World
Making Sense of Cents
This curriculum unit is intended to introduce students to the names and values of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters). Students will increase their fluency of the values by engaging in interactive activities that require them to trade among the coins to show amounts using different combinations of coins. Students will continue to apply their understanding by solving a variety of problems. And, ultimately students will create their own relevant story problems involving coins. Students will explore a variety of strategies, including using manipulatives and technology, as well as make a connection to literacy, to greater understand coins and money and better gain experiences taught through this unit.
Finding the Shades of Gray between Victims and Villains in War
Through the Eyes of a Child: A Multi-genre Study of Children of War
Nicole Schubert, Language Arts teacher, Northwest School of the Arts