Be the Change: Improving Community through Leadership

Jessica Young, 4th Grade, Myers Park Elementary

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


The unit is intended to work in conjunction with the Leader in Me program to enhance students’ social-emotional learning.  Students will learn about the seven habits of highly effective people through culturally-relevant mentor texts and engaging morning-meeting activities.  They will apply these skills to improve their academic and social lives throughout the unit.  The lessons are suitable for all elementary grade levels and can be adapted for schools that do not take part in Leader in Me.  Students of all ages could benefit from the social emotional skills addressed in this unit.  After learning about all seven habits, students will put their social-emotional skills to use creating a group project that teaches others about the 7 habits.  Students will be given the freedom to choose their groups, method, and materials for the project.  The unit’s success can be judged by advances in students’ social-emotional skills.