Fight the Power! Using Civic Engagement to Combat Environmental Injustices

By Martha Gwinn, Social Studies, Harding University High School

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


The goal of this curriculum unit is to have students become aware of their surroundings and how it affects them now, in the future, and their future offspring.  This CU aims help students know how to combat environmental injustice in their community. This curriculum unit was created with a certain demographic of students in mind: the minority and the economically disenfranchised. Statistically, environmental injustices tend to occur mostly to these groups and according to the National Center for Children in Poverty, children that are living in poverty are also more likely to live in environments that are deemed hazardous and unhealthy to live in. These places can include living in older homes with asbestos, lead paint, and limited access to healthy food. Children living in these conditions are more likely to develop asthma, obesity, lead poisoning, and hyperactivity, causing a hindrance to their emotional, academic, and physical development.