Seeing Printmaking in a New Light: Cyanotype Printing

Diane Strickland, Art, Garinger High School

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


This curriculum unit introduces the early scientific fundamentals of photography to my 9th – 12th grade students. It introduces students to the intersection of Art and Science.  I will accomplish this by teaching students the cyanotype process. 

The lesson will begin with a brief history lesson on chemist Sir John Hershel and his botanist friend, Anna Atkins.  Sir John Hershel discovered the cyanotype process in the late 1700’s.  Anna Atkins used his cyanotype process to illustrate a variety of plant life. 

Once students are grounded in the history of the cyanotype process, they will create their own cyanotype. We will then exhibit their work in an art exhibition at Garinger High School.