Natural Light, Artificial Light, and Pollution: Effects on Evolution, Behavior, and Photosynthesis

Zachary Sanford, Science, William A. Hough High School

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


This focus of this unit is to teach students with intellectual disabilities about light, the properties of light, light and plants, and light and animal vision.  This unit will provide a completed adapted chapter and worksheets.  The unit will begin with an introduction to light and a brief discussion on the properties of light.  The second lesson will provide an overview of photosynthesis.  The lesson will cover how it is essential to life on Earth.  The students will explore how light from the sun influences food chains and how different autotrophs process sunlight in a similar way.  The final lesson will provide information on light and perception.  The students will explore the evolution of color vision in vertebrates, how different animals in different phyla have similar visual structures, and about the structure and function of the human eye.  The plant and animal lessons will also have information on air pollution and the effect on plant development and light pollution and the effect on animal behavior.  The lessons will involve hands-on experiences as well as adapted assessments and worksheets.