Christina Coriale, French, Piedmont IB Middle School
The purpose of this unit is to expand students’ vocabulary of descriptive adjectives while exploring the cultures of francophone countries. This unit will be taught to 7th graders in the second quarter during the unit on describing people. We will compare and contrast the characteristic and physical traits of the francophone national animals of Canada and France, then compare them to the American bald eagle. Students will analyze readings and realia to learn how the traits of those animals represent that country and why those animal symbols were chosen. By doing so, we will find out more about the history, culture, and values of each nation and why they hold the characteristics of those animals so dear. My goal is to make this unit more of a discussion so we can learn from each small groups’ findings. Rather than having students simply complete worksheets and basic activities, this unit will encourage the students to use higher order thinking to learn more about adjectives and francophone countries in a relevant context.