A Fragmented Identity: The influence of imperialism on Nigerian literature

Stephanie Misko Hynes, English, William Amos Hough High School

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


The following unit explores the impact of imperialism, specifically as it affects the identity of those whom are oppressed by its rule.  Using economists and sociologists from a variety of decades, I have constructed a unit that asks students to dig into a variety of argumentative texts in order to understand the economic, social, and religious factors surrounding the anchor texts in this unit: Things Fall Apart and Purple Hibiscus.  Students will begin with a character analysis to understand two of the complex characters presented.  They will then analyze the tone with which author’s use to present arguments about these characters.  Finally, they will use historical text to understand the complex character that they have previously analyzed.  By the end of the unit, students will be able to identify connections between economic structure and identity.