Talking Timelines: Snapshots of the Past, Present and Future

Miesha Gadsden, Third Grade, J.H. Gunn Elementary School

Final Unit (PDF)  Implementing Common Core Standards (PDF)


One common phrase that I remember hearing as I grew up as a child was, “In
order to know where you are going…you must remember your past.” Our history is rich
with stories, people and events that help shape who we are and the world around us. It is
important for us to have an appreciation of history so we know where we would like to
go for the future. Storytelling is a perfect example of how memorable moments can be
shared and kept alive. Children love hearing stories about life, especially when it relates
to their own. I have discovered in my years of education that children of all ages LOVE
being read to. Reading helps us not only to become better readers, but better writers.
This unit will explore the history of events and people through pictures, written words
and oral stories. Students will have opportunities to work in choice-based groups to
develop a Talking Timeline on an important figure in history. Each member of the group
will choose one image that represents a pivotal event or moment in the life of their
historical figure. They will create a speech bubble using words or phrases that represent
the character traits and actions of their chosen historical figure. I want to create a unit that
will boost children’s own natural creativity through literature as well as strengthen their
skills in writing and social studies. With this unit, I want students to feel confident with
storytelling and immerse themselves into characters to creatively express themselves.
This can be done through pictures, words and stories. Let the snapshots begin!!