The Meaning of Family and Home in the New South

Jashonai Payne, 4th Grade, Clear Creek Elementary

Curriculum Unit (PDF)


This short ELA unit has a concentration on novels and poetry which highlight grandparents and their crucial presence in many families. These wonderful and rich pieces of children’s literature all feature strong grandparent figures that teach lessons and support their families in times of need. They also highlight the positive influences and wisdom that these
grandparents impart on their young grandchildren. These grandchildren walk away with new perspectives on life and create another much-needed parental relationship with the older generations of their family tree-those that hold the stories, the memories, and the past in their very capable grasp. Students will use various activities to analyze characters in each story. They
will also reflect and analyze how grandparents in these stories influence their grandchildren in positive ways. Finally, students will reflect on how their own grandparents influence their lives and create a poem, piece of art, or create a special award to share with them.