American Southern Literature Near and Far

Meagan Boozer Missigman, 3rd Grade, Palisades Park Elementary

Curriculum Unit (PDF)


In this unit, students will travel through the American South represented in literary text. Students will participate in a daily Read Aloud that revolves around guided questions. These questions will implore students to identify recurring southern themes and make personal connections. Through conversations students will be exposed to diverse opinions and
experiences building empathy and cultural understanding.
This unit has been designed to be completed within quarter one and pair strategically with the 3rd grade Module 1 EL Curriculum required by CMS. Throughout the EL Module students will explore texts that highlight many diverse places and cultures around the world, while this Read Aloud unit will send students to explore the American South. Three texts have been chosen specifically in this unit, however supplemental texts are provided.
Read Alouds are meant to best support students’ needs for fluency and oral comprehension. As a loosely structured Read Aloud curriculum, this unit provides many opportunities for teachers to use their own discretion in teaching points based on their students’ needs while supporting conversations to lend themselves to the Southern focus. Naturally many reading and social emotional standards will be addressed.