Inequality: How Did We Get Here? How Do We Go Forward?

Karen McKaig, Social Studies, William A. Hough High

Curriculum Unit (PDF)


Why are our schools so segregated racially and concentrated economically; they reflect the communities and neighborhoods around them. School zones mirror neighborhoods, the same similarity and homogeneity in race, ethnicity, and economic factors like income and wealth. To answer how so many neighborhoods have developed this pattern, requires looking at the history of systemic racism. This unit seeks to help students explore the sources of economic inequality: in our schools, and the city and country in which they live. Two goals of this unit will be to look at the origins of these separations and economic inequalities and what we can do about it.
differentiates the different kinds of economic systems. Then, we can work to understand
To begin the study of economic inequality, students need a working knowledge of what an economic system is and what what was done in America in the past that led to the current inequities and how we can make changes going forward to affect change.