Teaching White Privilege in Early Childhood

Nakisha Cornelius, Pre-K, Ashley Park PreK-8

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


The main goal of this curriculum unit is to teach pre-K students about the concept of privilege and to expose students to the idea that some people have privilege and some people don’t. While teaching the students about privilege, the students will explore the concept of fairness. Students will also have opportunities to express in a safe place how they feel about people being treated differently. This unit is extremely important because students that are black can walk into a store and see a bunch of white dolls and very few black dolls, walk into a book store and see more books with animals than characters that look like them or a bunch of white Santa Clauses and few to no black Santa Clauses. These students at the age of four and five are already being affected by privilege. Through this curriculum unit, I will expose the students to diverse books that have a variety of people from different ethnic backgrounds doing different things. Through the unit, the students will build on their language, comprehension, physical and social emotional skills.