Jaianna McCants, Visual Art, North Mecklenburg HS
Numbers of research surveys and questionnaires have come to the conclusion that footwear is an extension of self-expression among most Americans. Whether you want to be “Like Mike” or Cinderella your shoes tell a story about who you are or who you want to be in life. This theory of shoes as a gateway to identity can also lead to perceptions that people create about you based off of them. Essentially I want to know and want my students to know “who are you in your shoes?” This lesson is ideally designed for a Visual Arts Class or Craft class with 35 students or less. Students will be taken on a journey of shoe history from its beginning roots to what we know as shoe culture today. We will discuss how self expression has become a part of shoewear and students will critically think to compose art as a segway to self-expression.