See It With Words: Critical Analysis Using Visual Literacy

Amanda Soesbee, English, North Mecklenburg HS

Curriculum Units (pdf)


In 10th grade English (English II), the major focus as outlined by the state curriculum is the End of Course Test, which requires students to call upon advanced reading comprehension skills. The test includes informational texts, poetry, and fiction, and most questions are based on literary elements. Students have to know how to apply the literary skills they have learned, often in combination, to a variety of texts. In an effort to increase the analytical strategies students have in their arsenals, I have designed this mini-unit incorporating visual literacy as well as textual analysis. If students are able to “see” a text, even if it does not have already include visual elements, then maybe they will be able to deepen their understanding of it. In 10th grade, we do not incorporate visual literacy as an objective, but it draws upon the same skills we try to build in students as they prepare for the state test.