Life Cycles of Animals – Constant Change!

Cindy Woolery, Science, Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School

Final Unit (PDF)  Implementing Common Core Standards (PDF)


This curriculum unit (CU) is targeted for second grade students. The unit will
address two of the Essential Standards for second grade. The first Essential Standard is
Structures and Functions of Living Organisms; Understanding animal life cycles. The
clarifying objectives for this strand are: Summarize the life cycle of animals including:
birth, developing into an adult, reproducing, and aging and death. The second objection is
to compare life cycles of different animals.
The second is Evolution and Genetics; Understanding that organisms differ from or are
similar to their parents based on the characteristics of the organism.
The goal of this unit is to first help my second grade students come to an understanding
of animals’ life cycles which begins with birth, then a period of time in which the animal
develops into an adult. At adulthood, animals reproduce in order to sustain their species.
All animals are programmed to age and eventually die. This CU will guide students’
knowledge that animals might look the same, similar, or completely different at specific
stages of development. The second goal of this unit is to provide background information
and ideas that other second grade teachers can use to teach these concept