Mindy Passe, Fourth Grade, Barringer Academic Center
Final Unit (PDF) Implementing Common Core Standards (PDF)
200 Word Synopsis
In this unit, students will become researchers as they develop a plan to increase the amount of physical activity that students at our school do during the school day. This interdisciplinary thematic unit is inquiry based, student-centered and problem-based learning. It incorporates math, science/health and literacy. Students will be a part of action research with the goal of developing a plan to increase the physical activity of our class and ultimately our school. Students will be exposed to the critical issues of childhood obesity through data analysis, interpreting infographics, informational text and related literature. Students will use the steps of the scientific method to develop hypotheses, test and analyze their ideas of specific physical fitness activities to incorporate in the school day, both in class and at recess. Infographics will be explored as both a means of acquiring information and as a tool to present their findings to the principal, with the aim of implementing a grade or school wide plan of physical fitness activities, designed, tested and analyzed by the students. Data analysis, problem solving and collaboration are woven throughout the unit.