Learning Key Science Vocabulary Using Multi-Sensory Methods

Cindy Woolery, Science teacher, JH Gunn Elementary


Final (PDF)


This is the first year that the state of North Carolina has elevated the fifth grade Science test as a “gate-way” test. High stakes testing of our students in elementary science is stretching our teaching of science!

Science investigation at the elementary level should consist of many components. A few of these components would include building background knowledge, inquiry investigation, the use of technology to support and enhance objectives and science vocabulary. This unit will focus on teaching the science vocabulary needed to be successful on the 5th grade EOG to students in the earlier grade levels. In doing so 5th grade students will be well prepared for the EOG. I believe to reach and teach students we need to look at the varied learning styles, presenting material in ways that students can recall needed information and use multi-sensory teaching techniques. This unit will focus on creating “mini performances” with science vocabulary and content at the core of the performance.

We must begin the work of systematically introducing science vocabulary to our students from the beginning of Kindergarten. It is imperative that we supply them with the tools and language to effectively communicate about their world through the use of science vocabulary.