Literacy in the 21st Century: Developing Amorphic Literacy

Melissa Ligh, English, North Mecklenburg High School

Curriculum Unit (pdf)


The goal of this unit will be to expand literacy in the English classroom beyond the normal expectations of traditional reading and writing.  Focus will be placed on digital literacy but students will also embrace civic literacy, financial literacy, workplace literacy and global literacy. Students will ultimately develop amorphic literacy; i.e. literacy that continues to morph yet remains agile due to the rapid change in technology. Technology will continue to be woven through each unit and serve as a tool for developing literacy, critical thinking skills, and communication. The unit will focus on ethics and ideally enable students to become more proficient readers, thinkers and problem solvers, shifting the focus to a more holistic approach versus a traditional focus on classical literature. Students will examine various forms of texts making connections through the process and recognize the value of literature in their future endeavors, which will ideally improve engagement, proficiency, and aid in their development as contributors in society.