Author Archives: Scott Gartlan

Math Madness: What’s in a Bracket?

Stacy Swanson, Math, Probability and Statistics, Bailey Middle School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Hot Shot Statistics

Monica Echols, Algebra, Francis Bradley Middle School

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Implementing Common Core Standards

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Move, Play, and Read Through Algebra in First Grade

Margaret Hershey-Mason, Math, Davidson Elementary School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Geometry is Fun, Let’s Make it Done!

Madalina Margareta Corneanu, Geometry, Harding University High School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Multiplication Makes Me Sick!

Lyndsay Burns, Math, David Cox Road Elementary

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Fractions CAN Be Fun: Making Fractions Come Alive Through the Arts

Lucy Beaube, Math, Barringer Academic Center

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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When does Spaghetti and Meatballs Become Meatballs and Spaghetti?

Lakesha Heath, Comparing and Scaling CMPD2, Lincoln Heighs Academy

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Have Fun Skiing But Watch That Slope!

Kurma Murrain, Algebra I, West Charlotte High School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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What’s in a Number? Basic Number Bonds and Place Value

Kristin M. Arko, Math, Croft Community School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Behind the Music: Exploring the Multiplication and Division of Fractions

Kia Aisha Dessaure, Math, John Motley Morehead S.T.E.M. Academy

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Patterns, Patterns Everywhere

Courtney Myers Pender, Math, Science, Social Studies, Literacy, Elizabeth Traditional Middle School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards (PDF)

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Uncovering Human Truth Across Genres

Stephanie Misko, English, William Amos Hough High School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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The Documents of World War: Examining World War I and World War II through Primary and Secondary Sources

Sarah Hund, Social Studies, US History, Randolph IB Middle School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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Using Zora’s Example: Writing About Our Lives

Paula S. Williams, Literacy, Social Studies, Winding Springs Elementary School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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The Rebirth of African Americans

Nicki Kincaid, US History, English Language Arts, Bailey Middle School

Final Unit (PDF)

Implementing Common Core Standards

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